Expenses Covered
- Medical Equipment. (Examples include: sleep apnea equipment, spacers for inhalers, airway clearance devices, masks, post lung transplant medical equipment such as blood pressure monitor with adapter, digital thermometer, digital weigh scale, etc.)
- Prescribed medical equipment rental costs. Please note: Funding should first be requested from SAIL or SaskAbilities
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation home-based equipment
Travel and accommodations for medical care/appointments
Eligible potential expenses include travel and accommodations for medical appointments within a 50 km distance. (For travel and accommodations greater than 50 km, please apply to the Telemiracle Kinsmen Foundation)
Fees & Other Expenses
- Cost of bills to maintain Saskatchewan primary home residence while in Edmonton for a lung transplant.
- Cost of mortgage/rent of primary home residence in Saskatchewan while in Edmonton for lung transplant related care (including both pre-transplant physiotherapy program and/or post-transplant) if the individual has no other insurance.
- Cost of a private company to maintain care for Saskatchewan primary home residence while in Edmonton for a lung transplant. The home residence must be unoccupied or have no other individuals living in the residence to assist with home maintenance.
- Cost of a private company to maintain care for Saskatchewan primary home residence if individuals are unable to do so due to their lung disease
- Cost for dependent care such as child, family, pet etc. while in Edmonton for a lung transplant (including both pre-transplant physiotherapy program and/or post-transplant).
- Pulmonary Rehabilitation enrollment fees.
Radon Mitigation
- Radon mitigation must be completed by a Canadian-National Radon Proficiency Program (C-NRPP) radon reduction expert to lower radon levels below Health Canada’s recommended guideline of 200 Bq/m3 for the applicant's primary residents.
- Only an applicant’s primary residents will be considered.
To be Eligible
- Individuals must be Saskatchewan residents.
- Expenses must be incurred within the past 12 months for the individuals primary residence.
- A maximum of up to $500.00 for radon mitigation may be reimbursed to an individual per calendar year.