As I learned more about the dangers of radon gas, I began to wonder why no one in Saskatchewan was trained to repair homes with this problem given that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer.
"After working in the construction industry for nearly 40 years, I was familiar with the term ‘soil gas,’ however, it wasn't until I worked as a Housing Inspector in Provincial Government that I really learned about the dangers of radon gas. As I learned more, I began to wonder why no one in Saskatchewan was trained to repair homes with this problem given that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer. I decided I should take the training myself and begin teaching young people in this developing industry. I thought, ‘this could be my swan song and a real contribution to the betterment of man!’ as I knew my working career would end in the next few years.
Over the next year, utilizing my evenings, weekends and holidays I obtained the training, completed my mentorship with a fellow out of Fargo, ND and became certified in the business of ‘radon mitigation.’ The more I learned about radon and the reduction of radon in homes, the more I realized how complex the science of housing, air pressures, specialized materials, and tools of the trade were. I learned how different this was than any of the existing trades. Radon mitigation is a trade all in itself, combining skills from other trades, along with an in-depth understanding of the building sciences.
Now after a decade of working in the radon mitigation industry and having repaired hundreds of homes throughout Saskatchewan, my company has grown, continues to train young people, and invents new methods and equipment all to accomplish the goal of making homes safer. Saving lives is what it is all about."