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Lung Life Webinar: Severe Asthma Survey

Have you been diagnosed with asthma?
Are you a caregiver of someone diagnoses with asthma?
Are you a health provider and care for individuals with asthma?
How confident are you in understanding what it means to have good asthma control?
Rate based on a scale 1 -5. (1 = not confident at all; 5 = very confident) 
How confident are you in understanding why someone would be identified as having severe asthma?
Rate based on a scale 1 -5. (1 = not confident at all; 5 = very confident)
How confident in understanding the treatment options for severe asthma?
Rate based on a scale 1 -5. (1 = not confident at all; 5 = very confident) 
How confident are you in understanding the recommendations for physical activity for people with severe asthma?
Rate based on a scale 1 -5. (1 = not confident at all; 5 = very confident)